Booster Box’s Matchmaker: the tool that plays Cupid with your Paid Social

Booster Box’s Matchmaker: the tool that plays Cupid with your Paid Social

Ah, love! It’s a mysterious, enchanting force that can make our hearts skip a beat. But what if we told you that we’ve found a Matchmaker that can bring together not hearts, but rather audiences? Yes, you heard it right! At Booster Box, we’ve crafted a tool called “Matchmaker” that plays Cupid with your social media campaigns

But before we dive into the depths of this love story, let’s set the stage with a little background.

The Battle of the Broad Audiences

Well, casting a wide net doesn’t always result in the best catch. 

The world of online advertising is a battlefield, and in this epic clash of algorithms and advertisers, a fierce war is being waged for the attention of users. At the helm of this battleground stands the all-powerful Meta (formerly known as Facebook), a force to be reckoned with, armed with its sophisticated algorithms and vast user base. But alas, even giants have their weaknesses, and in this case, it’s their soft spot for broad audiences.

Meta’s algorithms tend to favour broad audience targeting, encouraging advertisers to reach as many users as possible. It’s as if they believe that the more small fish they catch, the higher the chances of finding the lunker – relevant users. And who can blame them? After all, when Meta suggests these broad audiences during campaign creation, it’s like a siren’s call, luring advertisers towards the promise of expansive reach and potential conversions.

But here’s the thing: while these broad audiences may initially seem enticing, they come at a cost – soaring CPMs and a lingering uncertainty about whether we’re truly reaching the users who matter most. It’s like buying a jumbo-sized bag of crisps, only to discover that most of it is air – a relatable experience, isn’t it? 😏. Oh, the dilemma!

Pleasing the Algorithm and Our Clients

The delicate art of pleasing both the algorithm and our beloved clients: it’s like trying to juggle plates of spaghetti while riding a unicycle – a feat that, as Italians, we might have some inherent talent for, but let’s face it, not everyone can pull it off! Sorry 🤷

But don’t fret! For at Booster Box, we are not only a loving and caring agency made of wonderful human beings, but also a resourceful one. In the face of this daunting juggling act, we rolled up our sleeves and set out on a mission to find a solution that would satisfy both the algorithm’s hunger for broad audiences and our clients’ desire for cost efficiency and relevant targeting.

Imagine a skilled circus performer (decked out in their finest Italian attire – of course 💃🕺), gracefully balancing plates of spaghetti on each hand, their unicycle spinning beneath them. It’s a mesmerising sight that captivates both the algorithm and our clients. And that’s exactly what the Matchmaker does – it performs a magical dance, combining the art of audience targeting with the science of algorithm whispering.

Want to combine broad audiences, relevant targeting and cost efficiency? Get in touch

Matchmaker, Matchmaker, Find Me an Audience

Booster Box’s Matchmaker is here to save the day, armed with its power of automation and time-saving abilities. It’s your own personal cupid, but instead of arrows, it shoots out precise audience recommendations. With the Matchmaker by your side, finding the perfect audience for your campaigns becomes a breeze, like discovering a match made in marketing heaven.

The Matchmaker streamlines the process of finding niche, smaller audiences with lower CPMs. It’s a personal assistant who scours the digital realm, sifting through the data to uncover hidden gems that align perfectly with your campaign goals. The Matchmaker takes the guesswork out of audience targeting, allowing you to focus on crafting captivating content and strategies.

And there’s more: Matchmaker doesn’t stop at finding audiences directly related to your initial topic. Oh no, it’s far more versatile than that. This clever tool has a knack for uncovering audiences that may not have an obvious connection but are still incredibly relevant to your target users. 

Just imagine running a Matchmaker campaign focused on second-hand and sustainability themes. While exploring the depths of audience possibilities, you might stumble upon interests like Marie Kondo, Bargain Hunt, Parents of small children, and Recently Moved. It’s like discovering a treasure trove of audience segments you never even knew existed. The Matchmaker opens doors to new avenues of engagement, allowing you to connect with users who might have otherwise remained out of reach.

Say goodbye to mundane, one-size-fits-all audiences and hello to a world of diverse possibilities. Let the Matchmaker be your guide, and together, we’ll uncover audiences that are not only relevant but also have the potential to fall head over heels in love with your offerings.

Ready to find your perfect audience? Request a free assessment now

Unveiling the Wizard Behind

You’re expecting the entire magic of Matchmaker to be revealed, right? *evil laugh*

Well we won’t. And we can’t, because there’s no magic, just the hard work and blood and sweat and tears – wait, this is getting a bit too emotional – just the magnificent competency of our nerdy developers, data scientists, project managers and media operations specialists. Still, we can’t send you to bed without supper – we just said we’re loving and caring – so let’s pull back the curtain and take a peek at  Matchmaker

To embark on your Matchmaker adventure, all it takes is a simple list of keywords related to your target audience. Again, imagine you’re a client who specialises in the exciting realm of second-hand buying and selling (we have some, but any reference is purely coincidental). In this case, your keyword arsenal might include gems like “Second-hand shopping”, “Vintage shopping”, “Thrift store”, and “Used book”.

Matchmaker, poised with its digital bow, takes aim and shoots forth its arrows of algorithmic precision to generate a comprehensive set of Similar Audiences. These Similar Audiences exhibit a remarkable level of alignment with the initial concept, yet their sizes can vary significantly, ranging from a few users to millions worldwide or tens of thousands. In addition, the Matchmaker provides a curated list of Suggested Audiences, encompassing interests, behaviours, and demographics that may appeal to users interested in second-hand selling and buying, even if not directly linked.

To refine and optimise the generated audiences, our team of skilled media operations specialists takes charge. They swiftly evaluate and narrow down the initial lists to ensure relevance and an adequate scale. Moreover, the Matchmaker offers the capability to create audience clusters, enabling a comparative analysis of performance among various audience segments.

Through this meticulous screening process, we are able to identify the most fitting and substantial audiences for your campaigns. Our media ops specialists leverage their expertise to strike the perfect balance between audience specificity and reach, ensuring the delivery of impactful and cost-effective campaigns. By tailoring the final audience list, we unlock the potential to engage with users who possess a genuine interest in your offerings, maximising the effectiveness of your advertising initiatives.

Want to unlock the power of Matchmaker for your campaigns? Contact us today


Through our Matchmaker tool, we have revolutionised campaign efficiency by effectively engaging the desired audience while keeping Meta’s algorithm highly responsive. It’s a match made in marketing heaven! So, say goodbye to generic audiences and hello to newfound precision and cost-effectiveness. Let the Matchmaker be your digital Cupid, guiding your campaigns to success.

Remember, in this digital age, finding love is no longer confined to the realms of romance. With Booster Box’s Matchmaker, you can discover the perfect match for your social media campaigns. As the saying goes, “All you need is love” … and a clever tool to target your audience – with a dash of wit and a sprinkle of humour!

Offline Conversions: Because the Real World Still Matters (Sorry, Elon)

Offline Conversions: Because the Real World Still Matters (Sorry, Elon)

In today’s digital age, it’s easy to get caught up in the online world of advertising and analytics. But let’s not forget the impact of those pesky offline conversions – you know, the ones that happen outside of our beloved screens. Whether it’s a phone call, an in-store purchase, or even a carrier pigeon delivery (okay, maybe not that last one), these events can have a big impact on your bottom line. Offline conversions can be the missing piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding the true value of your online marketing efforts.

So, what are offline conversions, and why do they matter? We’re here to shed some light on that and how to manage them like a pro. We’ll break down what offline conversions are and why they should be on your radar. Fear not, we’ll also get into the nitty-gritty of managing the integration of offline conversion data with your online platforms. Oh, and we’ll explain the difference between primary and secondary conversions (it’s not as complicated as it sounds).

By the end of this article, armed with the knowledge to optimise your offline conversion tracking and make data-driven decisions, you’ll drive success for your business. Plus, who knows, you might even impress Elon with your newfound appreciation for the real world (but no promises).

Defining Offline Conversions

Hold on to your seats, folks! It’s time to dive into the wild world of offline conversions. You know, those pesky events that happen outside of the digital realm – like when your grandma walks into a store and buys socks. But seriously, tracking offline conversions is no laughing matter. It’s a crucial element of any successful marketing campaign, as it helps businesses gain valuable insights and understand the true ROI of their efforts.

So, what exactly are offline conversions? Well, they can come in many shapes and sizes. From counting customers making purchases in a brick-and-mortar store, to tracking leads over the phone or email, offline conversions are any event that happens outside of your digital space. By attributing these offline conversions to specific advertising efforts, businesses gain a more comprehensive view of campaign effectiveness.

But tracking offline conversions isn’t a piece of cake. Accurately tracking and attributing offline conversions to specific advertising efforts requires using the right tools and methods. Plus, businesses must be mindful of privacy concerns when collecting and storing offline conversion data. We wouldn’t want your grandma’s personal information falling into the wrong hands!

So, the next time your grandma buys a new pair of socks, remember – it’s not just a purchase, it’s an offline conversion!

Managing Offline Conversions

If you’re like most businesses, you’re probably tracking online conversions like a hawk. But what about those sneaky offline conversions happening right under your nose? They can have a big impact on your bottom line, so managing them is essential for maximising your advertising efforts.

But let’s be real, managing offline conversions can feel like herding cats. 

Different platforms have different requirements for importing offline conversion data, making the process time-consuming and error-prone. That’s where Booster Box’s custom API connector comes in, making importing offline conversions a breeze.

Our API connector lets you seamlessly upload offline conversion data, eliminating tedious manual work. And it’s not just easy to use, it’s also super accurate, so you can trust the data for making informed decisions about your advertising efforts.

But what sets our API connector apart is its ability to handle even the most complex data structures. You can upload detailed, granular data and get insights to optimise your campaigns fully. Unlike other connectors, our API gives you full control over your data, allowing you to choose the data points and how to use them to achieve your marketing goals.

The Importance of the Google Click ID

Let’s talk about the unsung hero of offline conversion tracking: the Google Click ID, or gclid for short. You may think, “Wow, what a thrilling topic!” But hear us out, because the gclid is more important than you might think.

First off, the gclid is a unique code assigned to each click on a Google ad. It’s like a secret code that follows a user around (minus the spy stuff). When someone clicks on your ad, the gclid gets stored in a cookie on their browser. If that user later converts offline, the gclid gets passed along with the conversion data. You can reload that data back into Google Ads and see which clicks resulted in offline conversions. It’s like having a superpower to see into the offline world.

But wait, there’s more! The gclid helps you measure the full impact of your Google Ads campaigns. By combining data from both online and offline conversions, you get a more complete picture of your return on investment (ROI). And who doesn’t love a good ROI?

Setting up gclid tracking can be a pain, but that’s where we come in. Partnering with Booster Box ensures your gclid tracking is set up correctly, maximising your advertising buck. So lean on us – we’ve got your back.

Time is of the Essence

Tick-tock, time is ticking, and so are your offline conversions! If you’re not monitoring the upload process closely, you might miss out on crucial information. In the words of the White Rabbit from Alice in Wonderland, “don’t be late for this very important date!”

Waiting for the upload process to complete can feel like an eternity. But fear not, because custom API connectors are here to save the day! With an API connector, you can automate the upload process and ensure accurate data. That means more time to sip your coffee and watch the magic happen.

But that’s not all! Setting up alerts to notify you of any issues is a must. You wouldn’t want to miss an opportunity to optimise your campaigns because of a technical issue, would you? So, set those alerts and be the first to know when something isn’t working as it should.

In summary, time is of the essence when managing offline conversions. With a process to report success promptly, custom API connectors to automate the upload process, and alerts to notify you of any issues, you’ll be well on your way to optimising your campaigns in no time. Now, “where did I put my pocket watch?”

Primary vs. Secondary Conversions

Oh, the age-old debate of primary vs. secondary conversions. It’s like deciding between pizza and tacos. Both are great, but they serve different purposes.

Primary conversions are the endgame, the ultimate goal of your campaign. It’s like finally finding the one or hitting the jackpot in Vegas (not that we endorse gambling). These actions bring in the big bucks, like making a purchase or submitting a lead form.

But let’s not forget about secondary conversions, the hero’s helper of the campaign. These are the little victories that support the primary conversions, like signing up for a newsletter or adding a product to a cart. Think of them as the side dishes to your main course – they complement it perfectly.

Tracking both primary and secondary conversions gives you a complete picture of your campaign’s performance. By keeping an eye on secondary conversions, you can identify opportunities to optimise towards the most valuable metrics and drive more primary conversions.

And don’t forget, tracking secondary conversions can help you upsell or cross-sell to existing customers. If a customer signs up for your newsletter, it’s a sign they’re interested in what you have to offer. 

So there you have it, folks. Primary vs. secondary conversions – they’re both winners in our book.

Wrapping Up

Time flies when you’re tracking offline conversions! 

In conclusion, to manage offline conversions effectively, you’ll need to get technical, but don’t worry, we’ve got this! We can ensure a seamless and accurate import process with our custom API connectors. Tracking both primary and secondary conversions is key to comprehending campaign performance. Remember, don’t put all your eggs in one basket!

And if you want to know more, just contact us and free yourself from all this fuss. But wait, there’s more! Keep your eyes peeled for our upcoming blog post, where we’ll dive even deeper into advanced techniques like CLTV, Depth Funnel Value, Lead Scoring, MOAS, and value-based optimization approaches. It’s going to be epic!

So keep on tracking those offline conversions, and don’t forget to check out our upcoming post. We’ll be linking all of this to first-party data too, so you don’t want to miss out!

Unleashing the Power of Booster Box’s Reporting Tools: The Secret to Unlocking Actionable Insights from Your Amazon Ads Campaigns

Unleashing the Power of Booster Box’s Reporting Tools: The Secret to Unlocking Actionable Insights from Your Amazon Ads Campaigns

Welcome to the wild world of Amazon Ads campaigns! 

Amazon Advertising has emerged as a critical tool for ecommerce businesses to reach out to their target audience and drive sales. However, when it comes to extracting meaningful data from Amazon Ads campaigns, the task can be quite daunting. 

Fear not, we have you covered! In this blog post, we will discuss the challenges of reporting inside Amazon Ads, introduce you to Booster Box’s Reporting Dashboard and unveil the secrets of reporting inside ASIN Dashboard. PLUS how they can help you extract actionable insights from your Amazon Ads campaigns.

The Amazon Ads Reporting Puzzle: Finding Meaning in the Data Chaos

Ah, the Amazon Ads reporting platform. It’s a treasure trove of data, but trying to extract meaningful insights from it is like trying to find a needle in a haystack, while blindfolded, and riding a unicycle. Okay, maybe not that extreme, but you get the point.

The platform provides a wealth of data, but it can be scattered across multiple reports, making it a daunting task to get a comprehensive view of your campaigns’ performance. It’s like trying to put together a 1K-piece puzzle without the picture on the box. Frustrating, right?

To make matters worse, the data visualisation tools within the platform are not always the most intuitive. It’s like trying to read an ancient hieroglyphic language. Sure, it looks interesting, but can you actually decipher it and understand what it’s trying to tell you? Probably not.

And let’s not forget about the limited data retention. Amazon’s standard reports only give you access to data from the last 90 days. That’s like trying to analyse a TV show after only watching the last episode. You’re missing out on all the character development and plot twists that happened earlier on.

Amazon Ads Reporting

But fear not, dear reader! Booster Box has access to Amazon Ads API, which allows us to overcome these limitations and provide you with more detailed and actionable insights into campaign performance. It’s like having a secret decoder ring that unlocks all the hidden information within the platform.

Crunch the Numbers with Booster Box’s Reporting Dashboard’s Superpowers

Ah, Booster Box, the superhero of Amazon Ads reporting! With our advanced analytics and access to the Amazon Ads API, we can provide you with insights that are as accurate as Hawkeye’s aim and as actionable as Iron Man’s suits.

One of the most frustrating things about Amazon Ads reporting is the scattered data across multiple reports, like the Infinity Stones across the universe. But don’t worry, our Reporting Dashboard brings all the data together in one place, like the Avengers assembling to defeat Thanos.

We know that time is money, and that’s why we offer performance reports on an hourly, daily, weekly, and monthly basis. This means you can identify short-term trends faster than Quicksilver can run a mile. Plus, with the possibility to make comparisons across different periods, you’ll be able to spot patterns over time faster than Captain Marvel can fly around the world.

But it’s not just about speed; it’s also about precision. Our reports can be segmented by product category, so you can understand which areas need more attention, quicker than Loki comes up with new plans for world domination. And if you want to know how much was spent on a particular product (ASIN) and how many sales it generated, we’ve got a report for that too. It’s like having X-ray vision to see through the numbers.

We also offer a report that shows when campaigns have exceeded their budget. This is like having Spidey-sense to alert you when something’s not quite right. And just like how Captain America has a shield to protect himself, we offer custom reports tailored to your specific needs to give you an in-depth understanding of your campaigns.

So, if you want to be the Tony Stark of Amazon Ads and make informed decisions about your campaigns like a true Avenger, Booster Box’s Reporting Dashboard is here to help.

The Magic of Metrics: Exploring ASIN Dashboard

On Amazon, advertisers can often feel like they’re playing a game of ASIN roulette. They launch a campaign, throw in a handful of ASINs, and hope for the best. But without a detailed breakdown of campaign costs by ASIN, it’s like playing blindfolded – you never know which ASINs are really driving your sales.

That’s where Booster Box comes in! We’ve developed a report that gives advertisers the power to unlock the secrets of their ASIN performance. No more guessing which products are worth your ad spend, and no more feeling like you’re throwing your money down the ASIN drain.

Our ASIN Dashboard report is like a map to buried treasure. You can finally see how much you’ve invested in showing a specific ASIN and how it’s performing in terms of sales, ROAS, and ACOS. With this information at your fingertips, you can make data-driven decisions about which products to target and how to optimise your campaigns.

Now, some people might say that looking at your ASIN performance is like watching paint dry. But we think it’s more exciting than that! It’s like watching paint dry…if the paint was made of gold and every second that passed added another €uro to your bank account.

And let’s not forget the most important part: with our ASIN Dashboard report, you can optimise your ad spend like a boss. No more wasted ad dollars on underperforming ASINs. You’ll know exactly which products are bringing in the big bucks and which ones are just dead weight.

So, don’t be an ASIN amateur. Use our ASIN Dashboard report to unlock the secrets of your Amazon ad campaigns and take your advertising game to the next level.

Amazon Ads Reporting: The Hero We Need – A Conclusion

As we wrap up this thrilling journey into the world of Amazon advertising, let’s take a moment to reflect on what we’ve learned. We’ve explored the ins and outs of Booster Box’s Reporting Dashboard, delved into the challenges of reporting inside Amazon Ads, and even peeked at the magical ASIN Dashboard.

But what does it all mean? It means that when it comes to Amazon advertising, reporting is key. It’s the backbone that keeps your campaigns in check and your ROI soaring high like a majestic eagle. And with tools like Booster Box’s Reporting Dashboard and the ASIN Dashboard, you can track your metrics with ease and finesse.

So, to all you Amazon advertisers out there, take heed: don’t neglect your reporting. Embrace it, nurture it, and let it guide you to advertising glory. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll be the proud owner of a witty and cleverly-named reporting dashboard that will make all your competitors green with envy.

The “Performance Plateau”: when your brand’s Performance is as boring as a sloth on Valium

The “Performance Plateau”: when your brand’s Performance is as boring as a sloth on Valium

Are you tired of seeing the same old results in your marketing campaigns? Have your efforts to improve your brand’s performance hit a wall? Welcome to the world of the “Performance Plateau,” where your marketing performance is as exciting as watching paint dry or a sloth on Valium.

Performance Plateau: a sloth on Valium

At Booster Box, we know that the path to success is not always linear. Brands often experience a performance plateau, a point where they have optimised their current strategies and are struggling to break through to the next level. But fear not, we’re here to help you shake off the sluggishness and skyrocket your performance campaigns.

So, let’s take a closer look at what the performance plateau is, who is affected by it, why it happens, and most importantly, how to overcome it.

The ‘Meh’ Zone: What is Performance Plateau

The Performance Plateau is a common issue that many businesses face, but it’s essential to recognise the problem and address it before it’s too late. 

Performance Plateau: the 'Meh' zone

The Performance Plateau refers to a stage in a brand’s marketing journey where growth and performance start to stagnate. At this point, the incremental gains from optimising existing strategies have begun to diminish, and the brand seems unable to break through a ceiling of growth. In other words, the brand’s marketing efforts have hit a wall and are no longer producing the desired results.

The Performance Plateau can be a frustrating and demoralising experience for any business. Brands that experience this phenomenon may feel like they’ve exhausted all their options and have no idea how to move forward. However, it’s essential to remember that the Performance Plateau is not a permanent state. By recognising the problem and taking proactive steps to address it, brands can break through this ceiling and reignite their growth.

One way to think about the Performance Plateau is to imagine climbing a mountain. At the bottom of the mountain, the ascent is relatively easy, and progress comes quickly. However, as you climb higher and higher, the climb becomes steeper, and progress slows down. Eventually, you may reach a point where you feel like you can’t climb any higher. This is the Performance Plateau. 

What a smart way to convey the message, right? Yes, we know. “We do it damn well”.

To break through the Performance Plateau, brands need to take a step back and re-evaluate their strategies. They need to identify the root cause of the problem and develop new approaches to overcome it. It may require unlearning old habits, adopting new technologies or trends, and experimenting with new marketing channels. By doing so, brands can successfully break through the Performance Plateau and continue to grow and thrive.

Ultimately, the Performance Plateau is a natural part of the marketing journey, but it’s important to recognise it and take action before your brand becomes a snoozefest. So, what can you do to break through the Performance Plateau and revitalise your brand’s performance? Let’s find out. Well, not right now: we’re just at the beginning of this article and you need more context. Or maybe we’re just happy to guide you through it (read: to force you to read the whole bit. Just joking! Or maybe not?)

The Performance Plateau Strikes Both Titans and Tiny Tots

Even the biggest and most successful companies in the world have experienced the Performance Plateau. Take Apple, for example. In the mid-2010s, the company’s growth started to slow down, and its stock price stagnated. It wasn’t until the company introduced new products, such as the Apple Watch and AirPods, that its growth started to pick up again.

Startups are also not immune to the Performance Plateau. In fact, many startups face the challenge of breaking through the noise and standing out in a crowded market. Once they’ve reached a certain level of success, they may struggle to maintain that momentum and continue to grow.

So, whether you’re a startup or an established company, it’s essential to keep an eye on your marketing performance and be proactive about addressing any issues that arise. The Performance Plateau can happen to anyone, but it’s how you respond to it that will determine your brand’s future success.

The Culprits Behind the Performance Plateau Snooze Fest

Lack of innovation

One common reason for the Performance Plateau is a lack of innovation. Brands that fail to evolve with the times and adopt new technologies or trends will eventually fall behind. For example, Blockbuster, once a thriving video rental business, failed to adapt to the rise of streaming services like Netflix. As a result, they filed for bankruptcy in 2010 (scaaary!).

Over-reliance on existing strategies

Another reason for the Performance Plateau is an over-reliance on existing strategies. When a brand becomes complacent and fails to experiment with new approaches, it may experience diminishing returns. For instance, a company that relies solely on traditional advertising channels like print or TV may struggle to reach younger audiences who prefer social media and digital content. Wait. Are you really relying solely on print or TV? You need to get in contact with us right now.

Targeting the wrong audience

Furthermore, the Performance Plateau can occur when a brand isn’t targeting the right audience. If you’re not reaching the people who are most likely to be interested in your product or service, your marketing efforts will fall flat. And even if you are targeting the right audience, you may have reached a saturation point in your current market. Once your brand has captured a significant share of the market, it can become more challenging to continue growing.

Whatever the cause may be, it’s crucial to diagnose the problem and take steps to address it. In the next chapter, we’ll explore some ways to break through the Performance Plateau and reignite your brand’s growth. Guess what – we have what it takes to it. You can check our Martech stack for clustering audiences and executing masterful campaigns, and ultimately how to quantify the value of your marketing efforts via Marketing Mix Modelling.

How to Break Free from the Performance Plateau

Breaking through the Performance Plateau requires a combination of unlearning what you know, understanding your growth audience, reaching a wider audience, building a growth model, and getting the best of all of that.

Drop Your Old Habits Like a Bad Tinder Date

Sometimes, what you think you know can be as unreliable as a broken GPS. To conquer the dreaded Performance Plateau, you need to let go of your old ways and be open to new approaches. You might need to pivot your brand or even redefine your audience. The key is to stay flexible and experiment with new ideas.

Unlearning what you know means stepping out of your comfort zone and embracing the unexpected. It means challenging your preconceptions and being ready to think outside the box. To get started, ask yourself these questions:

  • What are my biases about my market and audience?
  • What’s new on the block, and how can I learn from my competitors?
  • What exciting trends and technologies are popping up that I should be aware of?

By being open to new ideas and challenging your assumptions, you can create a marketing strategy that’s fresh, innovative, and ready to blast through the Performance Plateau.

Go for an assessment, change your point of view and address issues you never considered. Just like trying new things can lead to surprising new favourites, embracing the unknown can lead to incredible growth and success for your brand.

How to avoid talking to a wall and stalk your audience

Okay, maybe “stalk” is too strong a word, but you get the point. If you want to break through the Performance Plateau, you need to know your audience like the back of your hand (or your phone, since that’s where we spend most of our time these days). Take the time to research their behaviours, interests, and pain points. Use this information to create targeted campaigns that speak to their needs and desires. Just remember, don’t go full-on creeper mode or you might end up scaring them away.

To truly know your audience, you need to do your research. Start by analysing your current customer data and identifying patterns and trends. Use this information to build buyer personas that represent your target audience. These personas should include demographic information, interests, pain points, and other relevant details.

Once you have a clear understanding of your audience, you can tailor your marketing messages to their needs and preferences. This means using the right language, tone, and imagery to connect with them on a deeper level. You may also want to consider targeting specific segments of your audience with personalised content and offers. Well, basically our audience clustering superstar Galileo does just that. Literally.

But knowing your audience isn’t just about creating effective marketing campaigns. It’s also about building lasting relationships with your customers. By understanding their needs and preferences, you can provide them with better products and services, improve their overall experience, and increase their loyalty to your brand.

In short, knowing your audience is the key to breaking through the Performance Plateau and achieving long-term success. So, take the time to do your research and get to know your customers on a deeper level. It will pay off in the long run.

Why Reaching for the Stars (and Beyond) is Key to Breaking through the Performance Plateau

You know what they say, “go big or go home!” If you want to break through the Performance Plateau, you can’t be content with just a slice of the pie. You need to go for the whole damn thing! 

That means expanding your reach beyond your current market and taking on new challenges. So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to break out of your comfort zone and make some waves!

Build a growth rocket to the moon (and back, don’t get lost)

Okay, okay, we hear you. You’re probably thinking, ‘What the heck is a growth model?’ But fear not, my friend. It’s not some convoluted tech jargon that only Silicon Tuscany insiders can decipher. We like to think of ourselves as the left-elbow neurosurgeons of Performance Marketing (you know, the best of the best), so sometimes we have to throw around some fancy terminology (noblesse oblige, amirite?). But don’t worry, we’ll always make sure to break it down for you in plain English – or as close as we can get without being too boring. Or too patronising.

Back to business, a growth model is simply a plan of action that helps you identify your goals and how you plan to achieve them. Think of it as your trusty roadmap to success.

But, building a growth model isn’t just about jotting down a few bullet points on a piece of paper. You need to dive deep and ask yourself the tough questions. 

  • What are your strengths and weaknesses? 
  • What sets you apart from your competitors? 
  • How can you leverage your resources to achieve your goals?

Once you have these questions answered, you can start to build a growth model that suits your brand’s unique needs. It’s important to be realistic and set achievable goals that are specific, measurable, and time-bound. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try out new strategies. You never know what might work until you give it a shot.

So, grab your notebook and pen and start building that growth model. Wait, we’re joking: are you really still making use of paper? You better think twice – global warming is not just a story. Use a digital, paper-free solution instead!

Anyway, it’s time to take your brand to new heights and break through that pesky Performance Plateau.

Mix and Match

When it comes to breaking through the Performance Plateau, why settle for just one approach? It’s time to mix and match and get the best of both worlds! By combining your existing strategies with new and innovative ideas, you can create a killer marketing campaign that will leave your competitors in the dust.

Think of it like making a delicious cocktail – you take your favourite ingredients and mix them with new and exciting flavours to create a unique and delicious concoction. The same goes for your marketing strategy. Take what works for you and add in new approaches that align with your goals and target audience.

Remember, the key to success is to be open-minded and willing to experiment with new ideas. Don’t be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. With a little creativity and a lot of determination, you can break through the Performance Plateau and take your business to new heights!

The Performance Plateau Epilogue

In conclusion, the Performance Plateau is a common challenge that many businesses face, but it’s not an insurmountable obstacle. By being open to change, understanding your audience, expanding your reach, building a growth model, and combining your strengths with new approaches, you can break through the plateau and achieve new levels of success.

Remember, the journey to success is never a straight line. It’s full of twists, turns, and even some roadblocks. But with determination, creativity, and a willingness to take risks, you can navigate those obstacles and come out on top.


For further reading on this topic, we recommend checking out the following sources:

Say Hello to D’Artagnan, Booster Box’s clever and brave Amazon Ads Bidding Model

Say Hello to D’Artagnan, Booster Box’s clever and brave Amazon Ads Bidding Model

Say Hello to D’Artagnan, Booster Box’s clever and brave Amazon Ads Bidding Model!

We would so love to call ourselves Alexandre Dumas as his works have been translated into many languages and he is one of the most widely read French authors, but our mums said “don’t bite off more lettuce than you could chew” and we will abide by their teachings. After all, our mums always said we’re the smartest Performance Marketing Agency around and after being awarded as Large Global PPC Agency of the Year in 2022 we know that mums are always right.

Since we know that you might have to bring massive growth to your business and may be short on time, we’ll bring you what’s the big deal right now: we’ve got a foolhardy, brave and clever proprietary bidding model to rock and get the most out of the three Amazon Ads musketeers – Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Products – excellent at riding that wave of best-selling products on Amazon Ads, taking into account multiple factors such as historical performance, competition and market trends whilst maximising return on investment. It’s basically the Musketeer that will allow you to retake control of your performance on THE channel for retailers – namely, Amazon Ads.

Yes, you can thank us for bringing the key, main benefits of our competitive Musketeer up here and spoilering the main thing of this blog post. Still, in the first place don’t get used to it. Secondly, you’ve got to read this article in its entirety if you want to be amused by our witty and funny tone of voice whilst getting to know more in depth about how we bully and bury our competition thanks to our big techy brains (and our advanced tech stack). 

Right, now let’s go back to a regular blog post structure and start with a nice and cool introduction chapter.

The Online Retail Giant’s Advertising Platform

Amazon Ads is a powerful tool that can help you sell more of your stuff on the world’s largest marketplace. Amazon is known as the world’s largest online marketplace, and it’s no surprise that they have their own advertising platform to help businesses promote their products and increase sales. Amazon Ads, formerly known as Amazon Marketing Services (AMS), is the advertising arm of Amazon that allows businesses to advertise their products on the Amazon platform.

But before we dive into the nitty-gritty details, let’s start with the basics.

The Great Debate: Amazon PPC vs. Google Ads

When it comes to online advertising, most people immediately think of Google Ads. However, Amazon Ads is a completely different beast. Both have their pros and cons, but if you’re an Amazon seller, you’re in luck because we’re going to be talking about Amazon Ads today. 

The main difference between the two is the intent of the user. When someone conducts a search on Google, they’re typically looking for information or trying to find a specific product. On the other hand, when someone searches on Amazon, they’re already in buying mode. This means that the ad targeting on Amazon is more precise and has a higher chance of converting into a sale.

Why Advertise on Amazon?

We know what you’re thinking: “Why would I want to pay to advertise my products on Amazon when they’re already on Amazon?” Well, good question, dear reader. The truth is, while your products may be on Amazon, they’re not necessarily being seen by all the right people. Amazon Ads can help you get your products in front of the right people at the right time, increasing your sales and your profits.

The Three Musketeers of Amazon Advertising: Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Products

Yes, we’re finally there. Now you understand why that ‘Three Musketeers’ stuff was around. You’re amused, aren’t you? You’re smiling. We know you are.

There are three main types of campaigns you can run: Sponsored Display, Sponsored Brands, and Sponsored Products. Each has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and together they might make a formidable advertising team. Yet, they’re still missing an important piece of the puzzle – and now you should have clear in mind that D’Artagnan is ready to step in, literally waiting behind the scenes.

  • Sponsored Display: The Underdog of Amazon Advertising
    With Sponsored Display you can leverage many targeting methods, retargeting included. It allows businesses to show ads to users who have previously visited their website or viewed their products. This type of advertising is often overlooked by businesses, but it can be highly effective in driving sales 
  • Sponsored Brands: The Big Dog of Amazon Advertising
    Sponsored Brands, formerly known as Headline Search Ads, are Amazon’s version of brand advertising. These ads allow businesses to showcase their brand and multiple products in a single ad. They are typically displayed at the top of the search results and can be highly effective in driving sales 
  • Sponsored Products: The Bread and Butter of Amazon Advertising
    Sponsored Products are the most common type of Amazon ad. These ads allow businesses to promote a specific product and are typically displayed at the top of the search results. They are a great way for businesses to drive sales for their products

The Amazon Ads’ Secret Sauce: 1st Party Data

In advertising, data is king. Amazon’s 1st party data is what makes their advertising platform so compelling for businesses. This data allows businesses to target specific demographics and measure the effectiveness of their marketing efforts. This means that businesses can fine-tune their advertising campaigns and get the most out of their advertising budget.

For example, you can use Amazon’s data to target customers based on their browsing and purchase history, as well as their interests. This allows you to create highly targeted campaigns that reach the right people at the right time.

Amazon Manual CPC Bidding: The Old-School Way of Doing Things

You have a few different options for how you bid on your ad placements in Amazon Ads. One of the most basic options is manual CPC bidding. This is the old-school way of doing things, where you set a bid for each individual keyword and hope for the best.

Let’s say manual CPC bidding is the traditional way. It involves manually setting the bid for each individual keyword. This can be a time-consuming process and requires constant monitoring and adjustments. As search trends and competitors change, the bids that were once effective may no longer be so, and would require a constant update.

Why Manual CPC Bidding is Like Trying to Play Chess with a Magic 8-Ball

Manual CPC bidding may seem like a good idea at first, but in reality, it’s like trying to play chess with a Magic 8-Ball. You set your bids, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. Not really… scientific, we’d say. Sorry guys.

Also, as search trends and competitors change, the bids that were once effective may no longer be so, and you’re left scrambling to adjust them. Not only lacking in science, not exactly a recipe for success too.

What a mess!

D’Artagnan, Our Proprietary Amazon Ads Bidding Model and The Ultimate Amazon Advertising Hack

At Booster Box, we’ve developed a proprietary Amazon Ads Bidding Model that allows you to bid using target ROAS. This means that instead of just guessing at what your bids should be, you can set a target return on investment and let our system do the heavy lifting for you.

D’Artagnan Can Give You an Edge

By using Booster Box’s proprietary Amazon Ads Bidding Model, advertisers can take advantage of the benefits of Target ROAS and optimise their performance on the Amazon marketplace. This can lead to better performance, higher returns on investment and ultimately, more growth and success on the Amazon marketplace.

D’Artagnan Lets You Rest

Hey, don’t hide. We know you’re tired of manually adjusting your bids every five minutes, just to keep up with the ever-changing Amazon marketplace. Well, have no fear because Booster Box’s proprietary bidding model is here to save the day (or at least your ad campaign).

If it wasn’t clear enough – our proprietary bidding model comes with a fab algorithm that will automatically adjust bids to try to achieve your Target ROAS. This means: you can sit back, relax, and let the algorithm do it for you. It’s like having a personal assistant for your Amazon Ad Campaigns, but with an amazing performance marketing agency behind and outstanding performance. Well, it sounds great. Sometimes we’re surprised by what we do too.

D’Artagnan is also a Crystal Ball

Our proprietary Bidding Model is like a crystal ball for the Amazon marketplace. It takes into account multiple factors such as historical performance, competition, and market trends, which allows the system to anticipate changes in the market and adjust bids accordingly, giving you a significant edge over other advertisers who are still stuck in the dark ages of manual CPC bidding.

Not Enough? (Really?)

If that wasn’t enough (you’re a bit picky, mate, let us tell you), Booster Box offers a full-service performance marketing solution for Amazon advertisers, including account management, optimisation and reporting, as well as other services such as product launch and optimisation, PPC optimisation, and more. It’s like having your own personal Amazon Ads Agency… wait, it’s actually what we are. Or – if you’re not lucky enough to be one of our clients yet – what we can be it for you at your earliest convenience. Buy us, we’re on sale. 

So, why waste your time and ad budget fumbling around with manual CPC bidding when you can have a powerful, data-driven, and efficient solution with Booster Box’s proprietary bidding model? Trust us, your ROI will thank you.