How Booster Box can be your recession-fighting angel (reducing your CAC and increasing your ROAS)

How Booster Box can be your recession-fighting angel (reducing your CAC and increasing your ROAS)

In our last blog post, we declared that Performance Marketing means focusing on streamlining activities to minimise cost and maximise output. We also highlighted that growth as the only goal is  unsustainable, and is in contradiction with the latest global requirements and demands towards efficiency. 

We concluded that ‘doing Performance Marketing damn well’ is a solution that works when it comes to shifting marketing attitude from unsustainable growth to efficient engines, driving profit in a relatively short time.

That all sounds good, because it is. Trust our big brains – we don’t just talk, we walk. Those might seem true but complicated statements but – hey! We’re the left-elbow specialist surgeons of digital marketing, are we? So in actual fact, it’s not sooner said than done for us! 

Our mums say we’re the smartest Performance Marketing agency (actually Global Agency Awards said that too), and they also say  “don’t complain about not getting a chance and then be unprepared when you finally do”. 

Performance Marketing agencies should listen to these teachings. So we have been building tools  against unsustainable growth – and now we can be your recession-fighting angel, reducing your CAC and increasing your ROAS. Come check this out. 

The Booster Box Tech Stack for reducing your CAC and increasing your ROAS

A cool talking point and a great headline with all those juicy keywords – but what’s the Booster Box Tech Stack? 

The Booster Box Tech Stack is a combination of independent and proprietary tools and processes. We use these to efficiently manage our clients’ accounts by improving budget and resource allocation, tracking costs and profits and providing our clients with quality customers, hence sustainable profit margins.

This includes:

  • An efficient budgeting system that tracks costs and profits, allowing you to make informed decisions about where to allocate your resources
  • A data-driven sales process that can help you understand which customers are most likely to pay on time or even at all, which will give you better insight into whether or not they fit into your target market
  • An automated toolset for tracking leads, conversions and revenue generation (CACR)

We’re talking about outstanding marketing technologies pivotal in setting up tracking or supporting developers to ensure all key actions are tracked correctly in order to execute and analyse masterful performance campaigns. Elementary, my dear Watson.

Your CMO and CFO will be thick as thieves thanks to Phybonaccy

Phybonaccy (or  Phybo to close friends) connects your 1st Party data and the advertising platforms to fuel the algorithms with smarter data. This allows optimisation of performance by value instead of revenue, shutting down campaigns that are burning margins and reallocating the budget to the best-performing campaigns, spotting the best-responsive audience for your business. 

Phybo works on four levels of service:

  • Audience Clustering:

It aims to better understand who’s buying from you and group the audiences in homogeneous clusters in order to target people with the most relevant Ads, depending on objectives

  • Value-based optimisation:

As Value-Based Optimisation, it considers multiple “types of value”. The most common techniques are LTV (which highlights the most valuable customers) and Funnel Depth (where value is assigned based on the funnel depth the customers reach)

  • Feed management:

It assigns labels to products depending on specific attributes and performance. This enables us to use different Bidding Types based on product performance (top-low performers, top-low traffic)

  • MOAS (Margin On Ad Spend):

It unlocks more profit-oriented data coming from Advertising platforms to feed the algorithms, specifically working towards information on Margin – thus founding budget allocation on margin rather than on return

Giving priority to profit instead of revenue will unite CMOs and CFOs worldwide, finally they are speaking the same language.

You might not know it but you happen to be sitting on gold. Trust Davincy

To accurately convey the concept of ‘sitting on gold’, we’d like to tell you the story of the discovery of the well-known Terracotta Army – a collection of terracotta sculptures depicting the armies of the first emperor of China. It is a form of funerary art buried with the emperor in 210–209 BCE with the purpose of protecting the emperor in his afterlife.

They were discovered completely by accident on 29 March 1974 when a farmer uncovered fragments of pottery while digging a well for water on some wasteland. This led to the discovery of the first warrior of the famous Terracotta Army. Quite the find! 

One can hardly believe that such important royal burial pits were accidentally discovered by a farmer and not specialised archaeologists. Perhaps the most interesting thing about this (other than  the fact it is  praised as the Eighth Wonder of the World) is that the discoverers of this treasure are still telling their story  in the museum. Guys, this is what you call “do the best you can, with what you have, where you are”.

Just like the Terracotta Army, your first-party data is valuable treasure. It brings us efficient capital allocation, thanks to detailed and reliable knowledge of each channel’s contribution to the mix, thus giving the right answers to grow the business efficiently. And you’re sitting on this treasure right now, – the only difference is, you won’t find it by accident, but thanks to Davincy (and Booster Box, as a consequence).

Davincy is the epitome of measurement built to provide  answers that grow the business. It lets you allocate capital efficiently, knowing each channel’s exact contribution to performance. It works with a mix of different techniques:

  • Incrementality Testing
    Roughly defined as the expected outcome in incremental sales after allocating a certain capital to a specific digital channel
  • Marketing Mix Modelling
    Advanced statistical techniques to work with top-down, macro-level information – forecasting the impact of future sets of tactics

A winning combination to make informed tactical and strategic decisions. 

You can’t fly blind in a recession storm. Don’t worry, we’ve got radars and we call them RITA

Hey there continental pilot, you’re not supposed to fly blind in optimal conditions, nevermind in a recession storm. Seriously, you look like you need advanced, reliable and cutting-edge instrumentation to get you through.

Now, as it happens we have it. We call it R.I.T.A.. It stands for Report Integrated Timely Alerting: a real-time, integrated viewport on all channels to keep investments under control and skyrocket performance. Worry less with an alert system running 24/7.

With RITA you can:

  • Find your most relevant KPIs
  • Define goals
  • Always keep outcomes  at the forefront through a centralised dashboard

RITA links relevant information from all channels to the report, making them actionable and visualising them easily and effectively. It is built with the user in mind so it’s easy to navigate and understand, for all levels of users within any team. It’s accessible anytime, anywhere – no matter what – and it’s fully customisable: no getting bogged down in irrelevant details. Different teams, different POVs, different dashboards. To each their own!

You see, we weren’t messing around when we said we’ll be providing you with cutting edge flight instrumentation. 

Everyone’s got their own unique features and superpowers. Leverage your special talents with the guidance of Galileo 

Galileo needs no introduction. It’s feed management on steroids and lets you leverage thousands of products to build dynamic campaigns on the fly. Magnifico!

Well, there is one caveat, it only plays with ecommerces.  But we will forgive this because when you are in the ecommerce game it enables  you to make smart use of the shopping feed. Using Galileo you can reflect inventory dynamism into hyper-personalised campaigns, invest budgets and get the most out of lower-funnel campaigns, plus you can save 20% of the budget off Merchant Center.  Try it out yourself and we are sure you will agree, it’s a game changer.

If you want to look under the bonnet, it consists of:

  • Feed Management
    Galileo takes your inventory and builds an optimised feed to feed advertising platform
  • CSS Integration
    It integrates perfectly with CSS partners like ProductHero and Cobiro
  • Cluster Analysis
    Should we really explain this?

Thunderbolt and lightning, very very frightening me!

We’ve got you covered

We could finish this blog post with this simple statement. And that is what we’re going to do.

Performance marketing damn well is a promise of efficiency to combat the crisis, withstand the new recession and hold up. Here is the Boosters’ Efficiency Box:

  • Improve capital allocation
  • Get new and valuable customers
  • Monitor costs

And yes we were  so smart to anticipate and fulfil your needs in this way. So smart that we know that you might want to reach out and talk to  us, so we’re leaving you with a link to our contact page.

Why still go after digital marketing in spite of recession

Why still go after digital marketing in spite of recession

We don’t like to be alarmist, still – we’ve got to wear our heart on our sleeve: all of our data science say we are going through an uncertain future where large and global brands are dropping the spray-and-pray approach strategy focused on growth-no-matter-what, asking themselves (and their finance depts) if it’s the best time to invest in digital advertising. 

Tough times, huh? Still, this has happened before and we have enough historical data to forecast what will become of our business world.

Recession Performance Marketing


Recession Winter Is Coming

Yes, we don’t like to be alarmist but equally we couldn’t help but share that gif. Back to business. In the context of an economic recession at the gates or maybe underway already, investors are on edge as they see inflation soar and jobs get cut. 

The dark clouds on the economic horizon closely resemble the ones somebody experienced back in 2008, and throwing on a coat tugging up the collar won’t be enough to stay comfortable. Shareholders ask companies to stand on their own feet and sell enough to break even and be profitable, thus tightening and tweaking forward efficiency.

Recession will lead large global companies to a rapid decline in investments, tightening their belts and keeping expenses low to play down the crisis and cope. The first thing that’s got to be downgraded is the marketing spend, particularly with respect to upper-funnel campaigns.

Against this backdrop, expansion and growth in volume – seemingly without a clear view over value and profit as the result of spending big budgets coming from private equity, funding, etc – is no longer an option. It’s time for the unsustainable “keep pushing no matter the economic return” mantra to make way for the latest, global requirements and specific demands towards efficiency

Recession Spray and Pray

Marketing expenditures in areas from communications to research are often slashed across the board — but such indiscriminate cost-cutting is a mistake.


Recession Storm

Let’s start with the serious things: if you combined the latter gif with the ‘Running Up That Hill’ song from Kate Bush, get in touch. We’re always looking for authentic, top talents to mentor and develop. 

Now, having said all that, and after everything – if you are not selling or making money, how can you afford to pay for marketing services? The answer is simple: if you don’t keep the momentum now, by the time the economy starts recovering it will just be too late.

True fact: a business’s marketing plan during an economic downturn depends on several factors, including its financial fitness, the number of years in operation ahead of the recession, and the strength of its marketing team. 

Nevertheless, it’s clear from the evidence of past recessions that companies focused on bolstering their marketing efforts — rather than cutting them — stand the best chance of weathering tough recession storms and coming out stronger and more profitable overall on the other side. History shows that brands which spend during tough times come out on top.

Looking at marketing as an investment in the future of the business is a must-have mindset during periods of economic downswings like recessions. Marketing and advertising build future sales for people that never stop hearing the business’ name. New leads and prospective customers are more apt to remember the company after the recession.

On top of that, if competitors cut their marketing budgets or even jump ship upon a burgeoning recession, this leaves a more straightforward path for scooping up customers left behind. Even in a recession, people still spend  money and have fewer competing businesses from which to choose – this is good for business. 


Recession Economy

During downturns, marketers must balance efforts to pair costs and shore up short-term sales against investments in long-term brand health.

Performance marketing focuses on lower-funnel tactics, capturing quick wins and borrowing from a “growth hacking” mentality. It is effective at producing quick hits and sales boosts as it picks up momentum on customers already in-market to make a purchase. Effective performance marketing produces short-term sales and leads, thus opening to more efficient spending and having a positive impact on revenue. It means fast, profitable, and sustainable growth over a short time.

Shifting more budget towards a pay-for-performance marketing model effectively addresses economic uncertainties from inflation whilst mitigating risk. Performance marketing is genuinely a win-win model for promoting products and services that can weather tough economic storms.


Shrimp people still need their shrimps for shrimp cocktails, even during a recession storm. If this description does not ring any bell to you, don’t wait any longer, go ahead and watch this video:

Shrimp people still need their shrimps for shrimp cocktails

But to make use of an even more uplifting description, Winston Churchill once said: “never waste a good crisis.” A recession offers an opportunity to gain market share when your competitors are pulling back. 

It is scary to continue investing when the economy is shaky. Yet still, businesses that continued to invest in marketing through  similar past scenarios, and witnessed the devastation it caused for some, made successful recoveries – some, recovered even stronger than ever, thanks to the immense opportunity the recession itself brought.

We’ve got our point on this, right? Looks like we might be your business’ rescuing-from-recession angel, by reducing your CAC and increasing your ROAS. But that’s a story for another day, and another blog post. You don’t want us to play all our cards at once, right? 

Well, even if you’re up for it, we still need a break.
And the content for the next round. Be sympathetic, folks! It’s almost Christmas!



The Italian fintech is now worth over one billion euros!

Money, money, money, must be funny, in the rich man’s world – as would sing Donna Sheridan from ‘Mamma Mia!’. Did you know that’s a song from ABBA and not an original musical soundtrack? Yes, we know: we’re still reeling from the news too. 

Wait, what? Isn’t this a blog post for witty dancers and musical theatre fans? Our dancer’s spirit is ruined now, what a shame. Still, let us keep that crispy brisky intro tho! Back to business, this lively atmosphere about money, money, money, comes handy to share with you guys the big news: our client Satispay is now worth more than one billion euros as a Unicorn!

We have been partnering side-by-side with these absolute legends for over a year now, and couldn’t be more excited to play our part, skyrocketing Satispay’s Performance Marketing campaigns. By the way, this goal has been reached thanks to a 320 million investment round led by venture capital firm Addition, with participation from Greyhound Capital – shareholder since 2018, and other investors. And… the billion-euro valuation here it comes! 

But hey! Credit where credit is due, okay? We’re super thrilled to partner with Satispay as it’s one of the very few players who has been able to build and  scale a new and independent payment network, with a fast-growing consumer and merchant base.

However, for who doesn’t know (Shame! Shame! – Sorry for this super-nerdy quote, we couldn’t resist) Satispay is the super mobile payment network alternative to credit and debit cards. Independent, efficient, convenient and secure, it allows consumers to pay in store and online as well as send money to friends, make donations, pay utility bills and much more. 

Wow! Yes, it does all those things, folks. No hiding. By the way, what did you say? It would be great if we could collect some of our marvellous partners’ declarations about this massive achievement? 

Alberto Dalmasso, CEO and co-founder of Satispay, says: “We are very pleased that, following this round, we feel we have the right tools and resources to accomplish our vision of creating the next leading payment network in Europe. Not only do we believe we have the necessary capital, but we also have the experience and expertise. In the last two years, we have experienced exceptional growth, more than doubling our customer base and launching in three new markets. We have also been able to bring in a lot of additional talent to our teams, helping us transform Satispay into a bigger, more structured competitive reality. It is truly a new beginning and we feel more determined than ever”.

Lee Fixel from Addition, added: “Satispay is revolutionising the mobile payment space in Europe, allowing users to transfer money efficiently and securely, not only in-store and online but with friends and family as well. We look forward to supporting Satispay as it continues to grow its team, expand its customer and merchant bases and accelerate its business to become Europe’s leading payment network”. 

The path that led Satispay to become a unicorn begins in Cuneo, the birthplace of Alberto Dalmasso, Dario Brignone and Samuele Pinta and expands first in Italy, then in Luxembourg, Germany and France thanks to the talent of young enthusiasts who have found themselves united from the mission to offer consumers and merchants a faster, cheaper and safer alternative to cards or cash.

We started as a team of 3, almost 10 years ago. Today, the Satispay team counts 300 people across three cities, Milan, Luxembourg, and Berlin, most of whom have joined the team in the last year. And this is just the beginning. We hope to continue to attract ambitious and capable people, determined to give their contribution to make Satispay the number one payment network in Europe”  – Satispay’s CTO and co-founder Dario Brignone, lastly commented.

Your quest for knowledge is quite satisfied now, isn’t it? Well, in case it’s not, don’t worry: give us and our partners a bit of time and you’ll hear about us again. You’ll see. Scout’s honour. 



If the title rings a bell, good job Padawan. 🤖⚔️ 

Here we are ready to jump into the second episode of Server Side Tracking, the saga. A story of heroes (i.e. our BoosterBox tracking team) who bravely face down the constant tracking challenges of an ever-changing online advertising landscape. Let’s ward off the Dark Side with our brand new lightsaber: SST!

If you have quickly recapped on episode one – top marks again Padawan. If you didn’t, because you already guessed  we would offer a quick recap – nice move, you lazy clever clogs! But be aware, you can’t take shortcuts all the way if you want to become a Jedi. 

Previously on…

Why bother with Server Side?

Privacy concerns

Server-side tracking can be more compliant with privacy regulations, compared to third-party web tracking scripts that can’t be strictly controlled and can scrape sensitive data or personal identifiers without your knowledge. 

SST allows you to control what information is sent to which platforms. This prevents platforms from collecting data from your website that they are not allowed to. You can also  either remove Personally Identifiable Information (PII) from the string before sending it to third-party platforms, or you can hash PII before sending it.

User name, user email and phone number can be considered as PII and by hashing/removing them before sending this data to platforms, users become more protected and tracking more compliant.

Data accuracy

Another advantage of server-side tracking is the increased data accuracy. Many browsers are already blocking third-party cookies and additionally users can use Adblockers, which prevent accurate tracking. Server side tracking circumvents some of these restrictions. 

With SST, all cookies can be put in a first-party context. Imagine a space shield protecting your data from browsers’ limitations and ad blockers: “you have no power here, tracking enemy spaceships”!


So now it should be clear: it is not only a matter of enhanced privacy but also a matter of enhanced quality. SST increases the quality of data your website tracks, while enhancing the experience of your customers. With fewer third-party code and tracking tags, page load speeds automatically increase, improving the UX and potentially increasing the purchase funnel conversion rate.

Okay Queen of Naboo, what’s the catch?

True, SST does not come without pain points and drawbacks. Much like client-side tracking. So, let’s see the pros and cons of both:

CST pros

  • Simple setup
    Most platforms have client-side tracking settings ready. Plus, thanks to many tools like tag managers, tracking scripts can be added quickly
  • Provides detailed data
    When a tracking script is loaded through the browsers, it gets a lot of data and sends it all to an external party
  • Lower costs
    Client-side tracking is easier and so the workflow will be. Also, there are no costs connected to having and maintaining a server

CST cons

  • Data blocked by browsers or ad blockers
    Some browsers and ad blockers already block third-party cookies, so you’re missing data of some visitors and their precious behaviour. Longer term- think of the fact that Google will be revoking support for third-party cookies in 2024 and the impact this will have
  • Potentially higher load time
    More tracking scripts means slower operations on the website- simple as that. If you maintain scripts poorly, the user experience might be ruined
  • Privacy risks
    CST means little to no control over the data that is sent from scripts. PII can be easily accidentally forwarded to analytics platforms and that poses a threat to privacy compliance

SST pros

  • Data ownership and full control
    Data is sent to your server first, so you’re in charge of which data is sent to third-party platforms. Also, you can send data to your warehouse for further analysis for more data-driven decision making
  • Better user experience
    The load is moved to the server, hence users’ browsers don’t have to do anything. This results in shorter load time, thus improving performance and UX
  • Not impacted by browser restrictions
    Data collected through SST can’t be touched by browsers or ad blockers. This can lead to more traffic recorded and therefore more data to feed the algorithms with

SST cons

  • Complex implementation
    No cats under the table, for SST you will need support from your IT department to set up the server
  • Higher costs
    It might be peanuts (depending on your data volume), but a server costs money

SST is more

This is our PoV, but hey!, you’re in our blog. Whose point of view were you expecting! In our opinion, SST is:

  • More accurate
  • More secure
  • More reliable 


  • It opens up a better opportunity for cross-device tracking

Cross-device tracking

We’ve said it many times. We call it “the messy-middle” and it is the super-complex path consumers take from first touch to the final conversion, involving a variety of multiple channels and devices. It is vital to understand off-domain and cross-device interactions to identify all the sources of traffic and therefore be able to run proper attribution.

Now if your customers are technically savvy and use ad blockers, your event tracking might not work properly. Similarly, if browsers are limiting the amount of collected data this will also be a barrier to accurate tracking. Poor tracking accuracy leads to non-data-driven decision making. Scary!

Technique of the Boosters

Now you have all the information about server-side tracking. We have provided you with the perfectly balanced lightsaber to cut through the Dark Side. Use the server-side tracking Force, padawan. 🤖⚔️  Now that we have covered ‘The Why’, let’s enter the heart of Episode 2 – ‘The How’! 

Boosters’ paths

If you are curious about how we run server-side tracking at Booster Box, read on. If you’re not, we’ll pretend that it doesn’t bother us because we’re decent human beings but we might accidentally drop a spell on you. Just so you know, Sith undercover. 

  • GA tracking implementation
    A typical tagging configuration relies on adding a GTM container in the page to send measurement data out. For SST, we’ll implement an additional server container that you and only you (well, maybe also us, but only for well-intentioned data-driven purposes to skyrocket performance) will fully control. You will have control over what data is retrieved, how it is stored and where it is sent. Long story short: using events, triggers and variables we can fire tags in the server GTM container and afterwards send the desired data from the endpoint to Google Analytics.


  • Advertising platforms
    • Meta Conversions API
      This is the way to share offline and key web events with Meta. Data can be sent from your server and used by Meta to run more consistent and effective ads. This approach uses the Facebook Pixel and follows the below steps:
      • Data is collected through GA4 Web Tag but not stored on third-party server
      • Data is sent to first-party server container
      • The desired (potentially more limited or hashed)data is sent to Meta thanks to API Conversions
    • Google Ads Conversion Linker
      Google Ads also has an option to send data collected from server side tracking to the advertising platform. Similarly to Meta, this approach also utilises GA4 tags and follows a similar flow.


  • Come on shake your body baby do that COMBO
    True, you can go for a vertical solution and implement SST for one platform only, or for GA only. But the best way to get an extra 5 -10% (according to our Boosters big-brains) of events tracked is to use a combo move. Providing multiple platforms with data collected server side increases the amount of data available for machine learning (in terms of bidding) can improve privacy compliance and feeds your campaigns with useful first-party data that you alone can leverage (Joey. Doesn’t. Share. Data!) *mic drop*

In a nutshell

  1. Server-side tracking will make you more privacy compliant, while keeping pockets full of extra-data
  2. Implementation is more complicated- true. But what are we here for?
  3. We run it both as GA tracking only and as advertising platform specific
  4. Using a complete approach you could increase tracked events by 5-10% (based on our experience)
  5. You might want to get in touch with us and start your server-side tracking implementation
  6. You didn’t realise number 3 is missing, you’re going back to check, and now you’re smiling because we got you- wait, we’re not on 2008 Facebook. Let’s drop this crap

And with that, yes we’re done. May the force of SST be with you, Padawan (come on, we know you’re not a Sith undercover. Sith were defeated in the Battle of Exegol in the 35 ABY and won’t return).

Server Side Tracking: the high tower of data and privacy

Server Side Tracking: the high tower of data and privacy

We’re not talking about GoT’s House Hightower (we could absolutely write an entire essay on this topic, but – unfortunately – it’s not the time or place), but about Server Side Tracking (SST) and how it can enhance your analytics and improve your privacy compliance.

Let’s get into the details! Server side tracking works differently to client side tracking, and we’re here to explain it all. We can bring you through the differences, the pros, the cons, and all that important stuff. So read on, let us do our job and keep the wolf (spell it: boss) from the door.


Client-side tracking (CST) is when a cookie is sent to the client, set on their device and then sent back to the server with each request. This can be done using JavaScript or by installing browser plugins such as Ghostery, NoScript or AdBlock Plus.

CST relies on the dreaded and feared third-party cookies. Put simply, a string of text is taken from the users’ browser and leveraged tracking-wise by a third platform (hence the name: third-party cookies). Seems legit, so why are we all getting stressed out about third-party cookies?

Because those cookies, taken from the users’ browser, aren’t always used solely for direct tracking reasons, but also some more hidden purposes. Stay calm, we’re not talking about ritual magic, ceremonies or various conspiracies! We’re just saying that collected data, first shown to the company for tracking purposes, can then sometimes be sold – for instance – for market research purposes.


As opposed to CST, Server side tracking (SST) is a method of tracking users that relies on data collected on the server side. SST is sometimes known as server-side cookie tracking or server-side sessionization, but these terms are actually misleading and confusing for most people. Instead of relying on cookies or other client side technologies, SST uses data from your web application to identify and track users across sessions.

Relying on data collected on the server side only, SST is a more accurate way of tracking users, mainly because it doesn’t rely on cookies or other client side technologies and can still be used to target advertising, measure conversions and understand user behaviour. We will go into more depth on this in another post…unless you want this to turn into a novel. And we know you don’t.

In short, data remains inside a first-party server instead of flying to external parties. Well, it doesn’t have to remain stuck inside a server indefinitely, you’re actually in charge of where you want to send data and what data will feed algorithms to ensure your campaigns soar. Already, you can see a clear advantage over CST. But you know, giving you details is our job and we may as well do it properly. Although, we won’t say it’s our passion – read our previous blog post to understand why.


The benefits of Server side tracking are too numerous to count! Wait… how inaccurate is that statement? Sorry, we can’t repulse our scientific soul. As a scientific marketing agency in love with numbers, we think everything can be counted. Benefits for sure, so let’s count them out:

1) Collect more data and enrich it
You can collect more data (SST avoids restrictions driven by ad blocking browser plugins and specific browsers – like Safari), which will give you a greater understanding of your users and their behaviour.

2) Flexibility
Server side tracking allows for more flexibility than browser-side tracking using pixels. For example, server side tracking lets you customise what elements should be tracked based on user preferences or the device they’re using (instead of relying on cookie settings)

3) Improve privacy compliance
Collected data is sent directly to your first-party server and can be anonymised before being passed to platforms for tracking and campaign enhancement purposes. This could help ensure users data is not sent back into the market for third-purposes as well – basically you’re the only one benefiting from your tracking. Additionally, Server side tracking gives businesses access to data from all devices regardless where the cookies have been set.

4) Increase conversion rates
Server side tracking helps increase conversion rates because it allows companies to feed algorithms with more data, thus improving performance. The site speed and performance are also improved as the burden of tracking is removed from the client’s browser.



As we have seen, Server side tracking has many benefits over client side tracking, but it also comes with some drawbacks. While being generally more accurate and efficient than client side tracking, it’s not without its problems.

Implementation requires more technical support and knowledge and the server’s direct cost must be considered. The cost varies depending on the volume of data.


Yes right, each blog post has a big conclusion – a finale, if you will. And we know you’re waiting for it, welcoming it, ready to embrace it.

Well, if you know us, then you know that we are a little odd and we like to act differently. Or if you are a spring chicken when it comes to Booster Box, we should warn you now – we’re nerdy pranksters who like to make jokes. You won’t get any conclusions today- this is only episode 1.

If you want to find out more about SST, learn more about how we set it up, and how we use it to improve tracking whilst also improving your privacy compliance, you’ve got to stay tuned and wait for the next episode.

Again, we’re not talking about GoT, we’re talking about SST. Now pardon us, but the fifth episode of HotD’s out and we’re off. Byeee!